Bone Regeneration

Resorbable, pure-phase β-tricalcium phosphate

Setting the New Standard for Bone Grafting

A biomimetic bone graft, featuring unique interconnecting porosity that allows it to be completely resorbed while simultaneously creating new bone. Available in several granule sizes to best meet the bone resorption/remodeling needs of a variety of dental bone graft procedures.

Multiple Porosities

The highly engineered technology built into Cerasorb M closely mimicking human bone with a full range of Micro-Meso-Macro pores for interconnected porosity. The unique β-TCP particles interlock and provide an optimal microenvironment for cellular activity leading to bone remodeling.

Second to None

A 10-year comparative implantation in extraction alveoli augmented with CERASORB study proved results equal to implantation in natural bone.

In a bilateral sinus lift study, results suggest CERASORB is an equivalent graft material to autogenous bone.
Handling, efficacy, and healing of the bone substitute were generally rated as “very good” or “good” and yielded a rate of 90% for both efficacy and tolerance.

Twenty-two patients with contralateral intrabony defects were treated with CERASORB alone or in combination with PRP. CERASORB is a satisfactory graft material in periodontal surgery, even without PRP.


  • No biologic contaminants
  • Multi-porosity allowing full participation of bone forming cells and vascular structures important for new bone regeneration
  • Various shapes and size granules important to reduce micro-movement during the bone formation process


  • Socket and ridge preservation
  • Periodontal defect
  • Sinus lift
  • Peri-implant defects
  • Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) and Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)



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